
Survival commands

 Ranks New Skills /skills - Opens the skills menu, where you can browse skills, progress and abilities /skills help - Showing all the commands /skills reset - Reset your skills status to default /skillrank - Shows your skill rankings /skilltop - Shows the top players in a skill /skills lang <language> - Changes your player language abtoggle - Toggle your own action bar /skills sources <skill> [sortType] /skills claimitems Jobs /jobs - help menu /jobs browse - Displays all the available jobs in GUI or in chat. /jobs archive [playername] - Displays the archived jobs list about the specified player. /jobs blockinfo - Prints the block informations where the player is looking at. /jobs bonus [jobname] - Displays the currently available bonuses for the given job. /jobs clearownership [playername] - Clears the given player's registered owner ship /jobs top - Displays the global toplist in scoreboard or in chat. /jobs info [jobname] [action] - Displays informations about the given job. /jobs itembonus - Displays the item bonuses that the player holds currently /jobs iteminfo - Displays the item informations the the player holds currently. /jobs join [jobfullname] - Joins to the given job /jobs leave [oldplayerjob] - Leaves the specified job. /jobs leaveall - Leaves all the jobs. /jobs points - Displays the amount of player's points. /jobs quests - Displays the available quests for the player. /jobs shop - Jobs main shop for spacial tools /jobs skipquest - Skips the given quest for the player. /jobs stats - Prints the player's job statistic. /jobs toggle - Actionbar/bossbar Playerwarps /pw - Ppen playerwarp gui menu /pw help - Displays the command list /pw <warp> - Teleports to the player warp /pw set <name> - Sets warps to your location. /pw remove <warp> - Removes the warp /pw open [menu] [options] - Opens the player warp gui /pw amount - Check how much warps you have. /pw icon set/remove <warp> - Set a warp icon /pw rate <warp> <rate> - Rate a warp /pw favourite <warp> - Favourite a warp /pw lock - Lock a warp /pw open - Opens the player warp gui /pw password - Warp password /pw reset - Re-set a warps location /pw setowner - Transfer ownership /pw desc set/remove <warp> <desc> quests /quests - main quest menu Plot City /plot - Main command /plot flag - Manage plot flags. /plot list - List plots /plot remove - Delete your own plot /plot download - Download your Save of your own build Mobarena /mobarena - main mobarena menu /ma join <arena> - Join the arena with the given name. /ma leave - Leave the current arena, or the spectator area. /ma arenas - Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled, gray names are disabled. /ma players - Get a list of all arena players. /ma ready - While in the lobby, ready up as if punching the iron block. /ma notready - Get a list of all players who aren't ready. Duels pvp /duel - main duel menu /duel [username] - Sends a duel request to player. /duel [username] [money] - Sends a duel request to player with given bet. /duel accept [username] - Accepts the duel request from player. /duel deny [username] - Denies the duel request from player. /duel stats - Displays your duel stats. /duel top - Displays the top 10 players with the most, or elo rating for Kit. /queue join [-Kit][bet] - Enters a queue with Kit and bet. /queue leave - Leaves your current queue. /spectate [username] - Spectates a player in duel. Kits Starter Box sapling Box dye Box seed World Commands /rt - Teleports to random location /home - Teleport to home location /Homes - List of homes /sethome - Sets home location /bedhome - Allows to set home location on interaction /tpa - Ask the player if you can teleport to them. /tpahere [playername] - Ask player to accept teleport to your location. /back - Teleports back to last saved location /colors - List of minecraft color code. /armorstand - Changes the arm,leg and body position. Faction Commands /f help - Faction help. /f join [factionname] - Join a faction. /f leave - Leave the faction you are in. /f home - Teleport you to the faction home. /f chat - Toggle chat modes - and talk only to your members of your faction. /f coords - Coordinates to fellow faction members. /f disband - Can use the disbland command. /f dtr - Can vieuw faction DTR. /f stuck - Teleport you to the nearest wilderness chunk. /f showinvites - Show pending invites for your faction. /f show [factionname] - Show info about a faction. /f seechunk - See outlines around the border of the chunk. /f scoreboard - Toggle the scoreboard on or off. /f map - Check the chunks around you. /f list - List of all the faction in the world. /f top - Top list of the best factions. /f togglealliancechat - Toggle inoring alliance chat. Access Home - To set 1 home Elytralaunch - launch feature Spawner - to be dropped after its being broken and you will keep the type mod. Anvil text color - Allows to use colors when renaming item Scrollpainting - Modify paintings grouts and interact with right click. Book colors - Give the text in the book a color example; &4hellow cmi.signs.shiftedit – Allows to edit signs with shift right click Member Players who have played for a total of 18 hours would be promoted to the Member level Commands /donate [playername] - item in your hand donate /donate accept - accept the donation Kits Exp boost Money boost Rank member World Faction Commands /f admin [playername] - Give your leadership to a other member. /f autoclaim - Automatically claim by walking / to disable autoclaim type this command again. /f ban - Ban a user form your faction. /f claim [radius] - Claim territory for one's own faction in a radius. /f claim - Claim territory for one's own faction. /f claimline - Claim territory for one's own faction in a line. /f create [factionname] - Create your own faction. /f deinvite [playername] - Remove invite to your faction. /f invite [playername] - Invite a player to join your faction. /f kick [playername] - Kick the player off of your own faction. /f near - Check the faction near you. /f owner [playername] - Set claim ownership for this chunk. /f mod [playername] - Make a player moderator of your own faction. /f ownerlist - Get the current owner of the chunk you're are in. /f per,m - Manage permissions for your own faction. /f relation - Request to change faction's relationship. /f power [playername] - Check power of a player. /f promote [playername] - Promote a member in your faction a rank higher. /f title - Set a players custom title. /f sethome - Set the faction home for all members. /f unclaim - Unclaim land of the faction. /f unclaimall - Unclaim all of your faction land. /f tag - Change your faction tag name. Access Home - To set 3 homes Warp - make 1 playerwarp Elevator - To create your own elevator Advanced Players who have played for a total of 168 hours would be promoted to the Advanced level. Kits Box leader Rank advanced World Commands /tpaall - Ask all online players to teleport to your location Faction /f desc - Set your faction description. /f fly - Grants the ability to fly in your territory. /f boom on/off - Toggle your faction peaceful explosions on or off. /f open - Set your faction open for all the players to join. /f coleader [playername] - Set new coleader for you faction. Access Home - set 5 homes Warp - make 3 playerwarp Expert Players who have played for a total of 672 hours would be promoted to the Expert level. Kils Rank expert World Access Home - set 10 homes Warp - make 5 playerwarp elytra boost - Allows to use basic elytra boost. Right click cmi.command.armorstand - armorstand -> Open armor stand editor ultimate Finally, players who have played for a total of 1680 hours would be promoted to the Ultimate level Commands /workbench - open een workbench Kits Rank ultimate World Access Home - set 18 homes Elytra superboost - Allows to use elytra super boost. +Shift click Elytra freeflight - Allows to see elytra boost for free Warp - make 8 playerwarp Donator Only possible by donating World Access Home - set 25 homes Vip only available through the webshop World Access Home - set 35 homes helper World Commands /weather set - Allow to change the weather /time set - allow to change the time /smite - Strike ground or player with lightning Access set 50 homes make 15 playerwarp /faction bypass - access to build any ware /faction chatspy - see prive ingame message Mayor Architect World Commands /findbiome - Finds nearest biome by name. Access Access to all the faction commands Access to all playerwarps commands Officer Access jobs - all commands world Access factions - all commands Master